Each of the books listed within this blog are books that I have read at least once. Because I read almost exclusively on my tablet these days, I have data regarding the approximate dates that I’ve read most of these books and have updated the “Published” date of the posts to correspond to these dates to show a chronology of what I read and when.
Some of the books listed here I read as far back as my high school days. In those instances, I’ve updated the published date to reflect a year of 1989. I was in the eighth grade in 1989-1990 and it was around this time that I really began to develop my love of reading. My best friend Tyson and I would purchase different series of books and then trade them once finished so as to share the cost of our addiction.
Every rating that you see within the book posts is my subjective opinion of the book listed. Because I am in the process of adding decades worth of reading history, not all of the entries have a summary of my thoughts, but I do plan to add this information to the best of my ability over time.